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Anyone working in a creative field understands all too well the frustration that comes with losing inspiration. Whether you’re doubting yourself, not sleeping enough, or are simply uninspired, creative blocks happen to the best of us.
If you find yourself in an inspirational rut, don’t lose hope! You can get your creative juices flowing again. Here are three ways the VOLUME18 team gets “unstuck”.
If you’ve ever worked with Heather, our Chief Movement Officer, she might have invited you to take the meeting outdoors. After all, “movement” is right in her job title.
Moving your meeting from the boardroom to a walk around the block not only gives you a chance to stretch your legs, but will boost your creativity and even increase productivity. Walking meetings also help foster collaboration between employees, breaking down the barriers between executives and employees.
Something we value at Volume18 is balancing our work and playtime. If there’s one thing the past few years have taught us, it’s the importance of valuing our families. You only get one life, and we want to live it to the fullest with the people we love.
For the V18 team, that means taking Fridays off during the summer months. Not only does this reap benefits in our personal lives, but we come back to our jobs with clear minds and do better work.
Step back from the computer screen and pull out a pen and paper! Sometimes all it takes is getting away from your desk and putting your thoughts on paper to clear your mind.
Change your surroundings. Go write outside or in a coffee shop. And unplug! You’ll be back to doing your best work in no time.
Now, it’s your turn! What do you do to get your creative juices flowing again? Drop us a comment.
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